Enabling Environment

This project acts as a monitoring, legal analysis and policy engagement hub for European philanthropy. Its main objective is to shape the national, European and international legislative environment by implementing the European advocacy roadmap for a Single Market for Philanthropy.

Why philanthropy?

Philanthropy and philanthropic organisations are a critical part of our democratic and pluralistic societies. More and more citizens want to do good, they want to help address societal issues, express themselves, and connect and collaborate with others who share their ideals. Ideals that often stem from indignation about injustice, from care for the most vulnerable, from passion to stimulate new trends and ideas, and from a sense of responsibility for preserving valuable nature and culture.



Single Market for Philanthropy

While it is easy for goods and services to move freely around Europe, it is still difficult for donors, foundations and committed citizens to act philanthropically across borders. The time is ripe for a European Single Market for Philanthropy.


  • 147,000
    Philanthropic Organisations in Europe
  • 60
    Billion Euro Annual Giving


The call for a Single Market for Philanthropy includes a better recognition of philanthropy in the legal acts of the EU as well as at national level, supports cross-border philanthropy across the EU, and decreases today’s barriers for philanthropy in order to leverage the impact of donors’ and foundations’ spending of private resources for public good.

Institutional philanthropy in Europe includes more than 147,000 philanthropic organisations with an accumulated annual giving of nearly 60 billion euros. Besides funding and investments, these organisations combine an outstanding set of expertise, deep knowledge and excellent stakeholder networks in the areas of their activities that can be leveraged significantly with the appropriate framework conditions.


Legal environment for philanthropy in Europe

Here you can find profiles of 40 European countries that provide the latest data on trends and developments across Europe (2020).

European Philanthropy Manifesto

“The European Philanthropy Manifesto” is a call to politicians in Europe to work towards a Single Market for Philanthropy.

Please find a copy of the European Philanthropy Manifesto in your language by clicking below.

European Philanthropy Manifesto

Join us in supporting these key recommendations:


We invite you to sign up to the Philanthropy Manifesto by sending an email to manifesto@philanthropyadvocacy.eu including the name of your organisation, the weblink to your organisation, the country you are registered in and the name and email address of a contact person.

Please click below to see the organisations who signed up to the Manifesto.

Our Legal Affairs Committee

The Legal Affairs Committee consists of legal and public affairs experts from Philea members across Europe. It advises the work and supports the European public affairs work at national level.

Members of the Legal Affairs Committee are monitoring and sharing information about the national enabling environment for philanthropy. They coordinate public affairs activities across Europe. The Philanthropy Advocacy secretariat also works closely with wider a network of foundation and civil society experts. Please contact the PA secretariat should you be interested to become more involved in the PA work.

Please find here the list of members of the Legal Affairs Committee:

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