Trust for London 4 Chiswell Street EC1Y 4UP London United Kingdom

Trust for London

A Royal Commission was appointed in 1878 to investigate the parochial charities of the City of London, which resulted in the City of London Parochial Charities Act of 1883. In 1891 a scheme was implemented that drew together all the parochial endowments into two funds; a City Church Fund and a Central Fund, which together constituted the City Parochial Foundation.


Reducing poverty and inequality in London by funding the voluntary and community sector and others, as well as by using own expertise and knowledge to support work that tackles poverty and its root causes.

Geographic Focus

London, United Kingdom

Programme Areas

The foundation focuses on the problems of social isolation, injustice and exclusion and recognises the need to provide help for young people between the ages of 10 and 25 experiencing poverty. The foundation supports projects involving:
• The provision of advice, information and assistance with advocacy
• Local initiatives to combat racial harassment or crime
• Education and training initiatives and schemes

The foundation will also be involved in its own initiatives in addition to grantmaking in response to applications. These initiatives include locally-based work, social funding programmes for which applications are invited, and alliances with other funders to deal with certain complex issues.

Current programme areas are:
Social Justice
Small Groups
Special Initiatives: Tackling Female Genital Mutilation; Living Wage Campaign and Moving On Up (young black men into employment).
Research areas: London’s Poverty Profile; Minimum Income Standards for London; London Mapper

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