

SwissFoundations – The Association of Grant-making Foundations in Switzerland, was established in 2001 to improve the image and the development possibilities of grant-making foundations in Switzerland, to mobilise in favour of transparency, professionalism, and promote Swiss foundations and the effective use of foundations’ resources. SwissFoundations has 170 members, which represent around one third of the total annual spending of all public-benefit foundations in Switzerland.


Founded in 2001 by eleven foundations, SwissFoundations brings together Swiss grant-making foundations, giving them a strong and independent voice. As an active network dedicated to innovation, SwissFoundations fosters the exchange of experiences, transparency and professionalism in the Swiss foundation sector. The association is open to larger as well as smaller, locally as well as internationally active foundations domiciled in Switzerland or Liechtenstein. The members of SwissFoundations have invested more than 2.5 billion Swiss francs in charitable projects and initiatives over the past five years. SwissFoundations thereby represents around 30% of the overall annual grants made by charitable foundations in Switzerland.

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