Nationale Postcode Loterij Beethovenstraat 200 1077JZ Amsterdam Netherlands

Nationale Postcode Loterij

Thanks to 2.9 million Dutch players that participate in the Dutch Postcode Lottery each month, the organisation is able to donate large sums of money (€ 370 million in 2018). Their funding is institutional (non-earmarked), independent, and for the long term (minimum of 3 to 5 years).


To raise funds for social organisations worldwide, increase awareness of their work, and support their new initiatives.

Geographic Focus

Netherlands (poverty alleviation, human rights, social cohesion); Global (nature conservation and environment)

Programme Areas

The Dutch Postcode Lottery provides long-term institutional support to organisations worldwide working in the areas of poverty alleviation, human rights, nature conservation, the environment, and social cohesion in the Netherlands.

Nationale Postcode Loterij Social Media