
News - 4 February 2021

EU policy makers strongly support cross-border philanthropy and removal of existing barriers

Members of the European Parliament and representatives from the European Commission made a strong pledge to remove barriers to cross-border philanthropy and public benefit work at a webinar, hosted by…
News - 2 February 2021

Civil society and philanthropy want to have a say around EU rights and values programme (CERV) priorities

Philanthropy Advocacy has already informed about the good news that €1.6 billion will be allocated for the period 2021 – 2027 within the CERV (the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values)…
News - 1 February 2021

New country profiles published

We are pleased to announce the publication of the second round of country profiles within the frame of the Legal Environment for Philanthropy in Europe project. After the publication of…
News - 1 February 2021

Preventing COVID-19: 15 simple tips (Pidgin English)

From EFC affiliate’s EMERGENCY Ong Onlus,…
News - 28 January 2021

Renew Europe Webinar – “Philanthropy, non and not-for-profit organisations in Europe – how to unleash the potential of public good”

We invite you to join the PA team at a webinar, hosted by Renew Europe MEPs Nicola Beer and Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on “Philanthropy, non and not-for-profit organisations in Europe –…
News - 20 January 2021

Ambition and patience is needed to create a better environment for philanthropy – Interview with Ludwig Forrest on cross-border philanthropy

by Hanna Stähle and Owen Morgan Ludwig Forrest is Head of International Philanthropy at the King Baudouin Foundation – one of the largest foundations in Europe and a…
News - 20 January 2021

EU Recovery and Resilience Facility – a possibility for philanthropy to step up its game around national recovery and resilience plans

By Hanna Hanses The Covid-19 pandemic has already highlighted existing inequalities and will continue to impact our societies’ economic and social structures. The European Union’s recovery fund NextGenerationEU is therefore…
News - 20 January 2021

Foundations and wider NPO sector can input more easily into FATF evaluation process

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has now made it possible for foundations and other non-profit organisations to directly share materials and provide submissions ahead of FATF countries’ mutual evaluations of…
News - 20 January 2021

New Turkish counter terrorism law restricts civil society and philanthropic space

by Hanna Surmatz A new Turkish counter terrorism law – “Law on Preventing Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction”, which was approved in a speedy process and…
News - 15 January 2021

What is the poverty premium?

Fair by Design have created a new short film about the Poverty Premium, demonstrating how those already struggling the most financially, often end up paying more for…