
News - 3 May 2021

Conference on the Future of Europe to kick off on Europe Day

The Conference on the Future of Europe is going to kick off on 9 May  and while starting with some delay and issues concerning the vision, mandate, processes and set…
News - 30 April 2021

Key findings from “Environmental Funding by European Foundations vol.5” webinar

Watch Jon Cracknell, The Hour is Late, present and discuss the key findings of “Environmental Funding by European Foundations vol.5“, the most comprehensive study…
News - 29 April 2021

Great momentum for the sector: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme 2021-2027

A strong civil society to live up to the Union’s values A strong civil society protects democracy, fundamental rights, and the rule of law. This was recognized by the adoption…
News - 30 March 2021

Towards an EU Action Plan for social economy

The European Commission is preparing an action plan for social economy, which will be launched this year. This plan seeks to boost the contribution of social economy actors to a…
News - 29 March 2021

Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights: “Human rights have to be the golden thread, the infrastructure of the future of Europe. Civil society is a critical, non-negotiable dimension of this”.

Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) since 2015 has a rich experience in human rights. He was a professor of Applied Human Rights and Co-director…
News - 29 March 2021

Why do philanthropists need to worry about AMLCFT?

by Rupert G. Strachwitz   Introduction Since 9/11, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AMLCFT) measures in general, and funding non-state actors that engage in terrorism in particular, have become major…
News - 29 March 2021

European Commission discusses new AML/CFT policy with the sector

How is the new EU Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing policy (AML/CFT policy) to be potentially adopted already in May this year moving ahead? What are potential implications on the…
News - 29 March 2021

FATF collects information on the incorrect implementation of its policy

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) launched a new project to study and mitigate the unintended consequences resulting from the incorrect implementation of the FATF Standards. The philanthropy sector and…
News - 25 March 2021

40 years recognizing values

Forty years have passed since the signing of the founding charter of the Princess of Asturias Foundation in Oviedo, northern Spain. In the present times of uncertainty,…
News - 19 March 2021

EESC Study on organised civil society during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

A new EESC study demonstrates the essential contributions of civil society organisations during the initial and continued response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The study raises the question how CSOs will…